Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Night, and Good Luck

Sorry ahead of time for this short movie write up, but I've just had a job change through acquisition and so am finding myself a little short on time.


With the squawking headlines, ratings grabs and unbalanced presentations you see now, it pales in comparison to what it took to really shed light on the paranoia that was going on back in the 50s.

With the state of journalism being what it is now, it's worth watching Good Night, and Good Luck to see what it takes to expose the distortions and abuse of power that was going on at the time for what it was.

Would that we could have such effective reporters now. I can only hope it will get better in the future, but for now watching this helps fire me up and keep me tuned into what kind of bravery and rationality in face of intimidation it takes sometimes to do the right thing.

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